Friday 30 May 2008


That's it, the decision is made. The colours are chosen, and the paint is ordered.

After almost a year of deliberation, I have finally decided upon a new colour scheme for Muddy Waters! She will be keeping the same basic design as she has now, but with more panels on the sides, new colours, and some arty funk which I am still in the process of designing. I spent my lunch break with a paint brush, some paint samples and a roll of masking tape, and can at last visualise the end result. Well, almost.

Billy, who is going to be doing the painting, seems remarkably chilled about the whole process. He's doing a sterling job of stripping all the old paint off and smoothing out any lumps and bumps, so I have high hopes that he will be able to turn my ideas into reality now.

Must remember to ask him if I can have the tiller painted in a stripy spiral though - almost forgot about that little request.

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