Thursday, 2 October 2008

I hate the BW mooring tender process

It's official, I hate it. Just lost out on the mooring I really really wanted up North, for the sake of a pesky £65. Not £65 a month, no, just £65 per year! Gutted.

Moorings are serious business. There has to be a better way of deciding who gets them. The amount I tendered was significantly higher than the guide price, but I would have happily gone up another £100 if I had known that it would be required in order to secure the mooring.

Worst of all, there are no other moorings up for tender in the area I need to be in, so I can't even have another go yet. Looks like I will continue towpath surfing for a little while yet, then...

BW are never going to read my blog or care what I think, but I really don't think tenders are a suitable way of distributing moorings. The idea behind it all is clearly to push the prices up and ensure that boating becomes an elitist rich-man's game, and that really isn't what it should be about.

Anyway, end of rant. I didn't get my mooring, and am somewhat annoyed as I lost out by such a small amount.

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